Thursday, March 17, 2011

The deed is done

Thats right, I made a PC and Mac Joke.  I went there.  So this is just Thomas saying "hey apple, you know where to find me, I'll be waiting (armed to the teeth by the way)  So bring it on.  I'm not scared of you and your privet army of transformer decepticon laptop's, yeah I know;  don't act all surprised.  THE SECRETS OUT NOW BWAHAHAHA!!!

On another less important note, I may be taking a break from the website for a while due to some very turbulent conditions in my life.  I'm sorry everyone.  I hope that the other members of the group will be able to pick it up and run.  I'll still do comics as often as possible but I can't promise much, again I'm really sorry.

thank you


Monday, March 14, 2011



...yeah.  Stuff's being done.  I hope.  As far as I know its not just the main comic that's being done.  There are a few side comics also in production.  We decided that there are gonna be quite a few comics.  So we SHOULD have an overflowing amount of mildly amusing strips on the way  =D

But not just comics anymore.  There WILL be Skits, and there WILL me flash projects or there WILL be blood.  Seriously.   Thanks for putting up with our retardedly slow progression, we shall make it up to you!!!  SO DON'T LEAVE US NOW!!!!  ...please. :'( 


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Hey all Thomas here again,

So I hope you've been enjoying our comic though there isn't much there, and sadly the production on them has been halted due to our inability to draw a background!  You see although I'm the artist of comic I have no background drawing skills to speak of, however Liam does.  SO if you could bare with us while we figure out exactly how we're gonna make things work that'd be amazing and you'd be my BFF! 

Thanks and have yourself a wonderful period of 24 hours.  Or you know... a wonderful week... or few weeks... or whenever we decide to post again. 

Monday, January 17, 2011


Hey people Thomas here! 

Have you had a chance to check out our shiny new comic?  No?  Well do you have nothing better to do with your time?  Well then why not waste two minutes reading our comics and thinking "This isn't funny at all!".  SERIOUSLY WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GO GO GO RUN FAST HURRY!!!  And if your having trouble finding it its just over in our pages tab. 

On another note we're filming an all new F.O.F Skit on Friday!   Thats right!  Its the skit you've all been waiting for since you read the first sentence in this paragraph!  Once that has been filmed and edited it will go up on our brand new youtube channel!  I'll supply the link ASAP once its done!  

In the mean time I'll continue to supply you with amusing comics!  

Peace out ! 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hello friends

Hey everyone Thomas and Liam here;  I guess we'll start by telling you what F.O.F Is all about.  Our goal in making this website is to be so ridicules that.... its ridicules.  Anywho, the latest updates on the site are that we have sixteen comics in production.  And no other progress to speak of due to our lazy "staff" We're hoping to have our first video up on youtube before christmas.  So... if your reading this you probably have a while to wait before you actually see anything come out of us.  And thats sad since we've been working on this since the middle of summer.  So yeah...  We'll be posting content on the blog as we come up with it.  Thanks and we hope you enjoy Fear Of Flutes